Us vs. Them
Bigotry, prejudice, and bias, in conjunction with politics and religion, have divided humanity into Us vs. Them for centuries. To prevent our social destruction and survive as a species, we must find a way to get beyond these divisions, and soon!
No one person can save humanity from itself. No one person has been chosen by a god to save their country, the world, or humankind. The time has long since passed that we should allow ancient mythology, superstition, and mysticism to guide us. Our salvation, if it is to be, is our responsibility.
We have allowed our politicians and religious leaders to use our differences to divide us for far too long. We can no longer afford to let them implant the fear of the other into our minds, and then exploit that fear to control us.
We are not only responsible for ourselves. It is essential to our existence that we understand we also have a duty and responsibility to each other. No matter our station in life, no matter our race, religion, or to which nation we belong, there is nothing that one human being can experience, to which another human being, cannot relate.
Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!
Today’s subject: Us vs. Them
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Now, on with the podcast!
So, Us vs. Them, let’s get started!