Seek and Accept the Truth

Adam Repley
2 min readOct 6, 2019


Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!

Today’s subject: Seek and Accept the Truth

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Now, on with the podcast!

The third Principle of the Philosophy of the Divine Law is to seek and accept the truth of the reality in which we live. It sounds simple enough, but what does it mean?

The keyword in the Principle statement is “we.” Seek and accept the truth of the reality in which we all live. Not a reality we have created in our minds, but the reality in which we share with other people, animals, and other conscious creatures; the reality that affects us all!

The Divine Law teaches that reality exists outside of our minds; and that we exist — within reality — and cannot separate ourselves from it, or live outside of it.

It is where we are born, where we live, and where we die. We are subject to its physical laws, and all that we encounter within it. We can question its existence, but we cannot replace it.

Which, is interesting, but what I want to talk about is why seeking and accepting the truth of this reality is fundamental, and essential, to the prevention of humanity’s social destruction!

So, seek and accept the Truth. Let’s get started!



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