God’s Divine Essence
When we claim that God is on our side and against another, or for our religion and against the others, we’re speaking, not of God, but our beliefs. And all beliefs about God are concepts, and nothing more than pure speculation.
The gods of religion are human-made concepts. We have no evidence they exist. Yet, what we believe about them keeps us divided and leads us into constant conflict. We vote for the candidates that say they believe in them. Whether or not they do! We live, worship, and judge others by our collective belief in them. Then, separate ourselves accordingly. And we fight and kill each other, in their names!
If God is the creator of all, God of all, and all are equal in the eyes of God, how can God be on anyone’s side? For some, and against others?
Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!
Today’s subject: God’s Divine Essence
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