Common Sense

When current evidence from reliable sources advises you to take a particular action, you don’t ignore their advice because you don’t like it, you follow it to protect yourself and others.

Adam Repley
2 min readApr 12, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has put many of our lives on hold. We’ve been slowed down and are no longer able to move about as we once did. Some are no longer working. Schools have shut down. Stores, restaurants, and movie theaters have shortened their hours, or have closed altogether. In effect, we have time to do things, but almost nowhere we can go to do them.

What’s interesting, at least to me, is that here in the United States, it seems that it is not the pandemic that concerns us. It is the fact that government and health officials are telling us that to combat the virus effectively, we must put our lives on pause, that we need to stay at home!

Why, many ask, why do we need to stay home? Get the economy going, reopen the country, get us back to normal! And when the president echos these sentiments, his supporters applaud! But remember, the president is not a scientist. He is not an expert on these matters. And neither he nor the experts have enough data about this new virus at this time to tell us that it is safe right now for us to socialize.

Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!

Today’s subject: Common Sense

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Now, on with the podcast!

So, Common Sense, let’s get started!



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