Beyond the Gods We Know

There is God, and there are our concepts of god. They are not the same.

Adam Repley
2 min readFeb 9, 2020

God, as It truly exists, is unknown and outside of our control. We do not know God’s origin, God’s form, God’s attributes, and we cannot prove God exists, from one to another. No one has ever shown testable and provable evidence of God. Not the Hindu sages, not the Levites, the Rabbis, or any of the Popes and Imams. No one!

Our concepts of god, however, are the gods we have created. What we imagine or want god to be. Gods, we can bend, shape, and twist to fit our agendas, that permit us to support something or someone because they benefit our cause, not because they represent what is right. And though we cannot show evidence of what we claim about them, we allow them to divide us at every level. They justify our inhumanity, fuel our intolerance, encourage our ignorance, and sometimes cause us to fight wars and kill each other!

Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!

Today’s subject: Beyond the Gods We Know

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So, Beyond the Gods We Know, let’s get started!



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