Accepting Reality
Regardless of our character, our religion, our philosophy, or our beliefs, what God has provided is available to us all. The pious, the atheist, and the indifferent.
Here is something to ponder: When we consider that with a worldwide focused and coordinated effort, we could minimize the impact of poverty, provide universal healthcare, and protect our environment. All of which would contribute to our overall quality of life. One has to wonder, why are we not helping ourselves by addressing these issues?
In contrast, when we consider that we do not know how, why, or if a god created the universe, or which religion’s concept of god, if any, is correct, one has to wonder, why are we killing ourselves, over questions we cannot answer?
Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!
Today’s subject: Accepting Reality
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Now, on with the podcast!
So, accepting reality, let’s get started!