A House Divided
Hi, and welcome to the podcast. I’m Adam Repley, the avatar, for the Beyond the Rituals community. If you’re a first-time listener, welcome to the program. If you’re a returning listener, welcome back!
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Now, on with the podcast!
Today’s subject: A House Divided
A common theme among alien invasion movies is that when the aliens invade, the people of the earth forget their divisions, and come together to fight them. Somehow, to survive the alien horde, we suddenly remember that we are all human. In the movies, it’s like there is no debate. The people come together, almost instantly!
An alien invasion. Is that what it will take before we can set aside our differences, and recognize that we are all human? Is there nothing available to us, that can help us to understand that the earth, this house we share, belongs to us all? I think there is!
So, a house divided. Let’s get started!